Tag Archives: Presh Talwalkar

Impossible Homework

This is a somewhat unusual problem from Presh Talwalkar.  It involves proving a student’s homework problem is impossible.

“I came across a homework problem described as “scary” on Reddit AskMath. You need to fill in the number sentences using the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 exactly once.

You should try a few possibilities to see why this is a challenging question. And do not waste too much time because the exercise is literally impossible!  The challenge is, can you prove no solution exists?”

See Impossible Homework for a solution.

Chinese Quadrilateral Puzzle

This is another intimidating puzzle from Presh Talwalkar:

“Thanks to Eric from Miami for suggesting this problem and sending a solution!

From a 5th grade Chinese textbook: In the quadrilateral ABCD, angle A = 90°, angle ABD = 40°, angle BDC = 5°, angle C = 45°, and the length of AB is 6. Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD.”


See the Chinese Quadrilateral Puzzle for solutions.

Mystery Quadratic

Presh Talwalkar has an interesting new problem.

“Students and teachers found a recent test in New Zealand to be confusing and challenging for covering topics that were not taught in class.

For the equation below, find the value of k for which the equation has numerically equal but opposite signs (for example, 2 and –2):

The problem didn’t mention how old the students were, but the solution to another problem on the test indicates they needed to know calculus.


See Mystery Quadratic for a solution.

Three Dutchmen Puzzle

Presh Talwalkar presented an interesting puzzle that originated in the Ladies’ Diary of 1739-40, was recast by Henry Dudeney in 1917, and further modified using American money.

“Each of three Dutchmen, named Hendrick, Elas, and Cornelius has a wife. The three wives have names Gurtrün, Katrün, and Anna (but not necessarily matching the husband’s names in that order). All six go to the market to buy hogs.

Each person buys as many hogs as he or she pays dollars for one. (1 hog costs $1, 2 hogs are $2 each, 3 hogs cost $3 each, etc.) In the end, each husband has spent $63 more than his wife. Hendrick buys 23 more hogs than Katrün, and Elas 11 more than Gurtrün. Now, what is the name of each man’s wife?”

See the Three Dutchmen Puzzle for solutions.

Mystery Dice Question

This is a relatively simple probability question from Presh Talwalkar that becomes an excuse to describe a powerful tool.

“Amazon’s Mystery Dice Interview Question

You are given a normal die and a blank die. (Each die is six-sided and equally likely to show each face). Label the blank die using the numbers 0 to 6 so that when you roll the two die the sum shows each whole number from 1 to 12 with equal chance. You can use a number more than once, or not at all, so you could label the faces 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5. But you do have to label all six faces of the blank die.”

See the Mystery Dice Question

String of Beads Puzzle

This is a nifty problem from Presh Talwalkar.

“This is from a Manga called Q.E.D. I thank Sparky from the Philippines for the suggestion!

A string of beads is formed from 25 circles of the same size. The string passes through the center of each circle. The area enclosed by the string inside each circle is shaded in blue, and the remaining areas of the circles are shaded in orange. What is the value of the orange area minus the blue area? Calculate the area in terms of r, the radius of each circle.”


See the String of Beads Puzzle for solutions.

Square In A Quarter Circle

Another puzzle by Presh Talwalkar.

“Thanks to John H. for the suggestion!

A square is inscribed in a quarter circle such that the outer vertices are on the arc of the quarter circle. If the quarter circle has a radius equal to 1, what is the area of the square?

I am told this was given to 7th grade students (ages 12-13), and I think it is a very challenging problem for that age group. In fact I think it is a good problem for any geometry student.”


See the Square in Quarter Circle for solutions.

Putnam Ellipse Areas Problem

This is a nifty problem from Presh Talwakar.

“This is adapted from the 1994 Putnam, A2. Thanks to Nirman for the suggestion!

Let R be the region in the first quadrant bounded by the x-axis, the line y = x/2, and the ellipse x2/9 + y2 = 1. Let R‘ be the region in the first quadrant bounded by the y-axis, the line y = mx and the ellipse. Find the value of m such that R and R‘ have the same area.”


See the Putnam Ellipse Areas Problem for solution.

Incredible Trick Puzzle

Here is another typical sum puzzle from Presh Talwalkar.

“Solve the following sums:

_____1/(1×3) + 1/(3×5) + 1/(5×7) + 1/(7×9) + 1/(9×11) =

_____1/(4×7) + 1/(7×10) + 1/(10×13) + 1/(13×16) =

_____1/(2×7) + 1/(7×12) + 1/(12×17) + … =”

The only reason I am including this puzzle is that Talwalkar gets very excited about deriving a formula that can solve sums of this type.  This gives me an opportunity to discuss the “formula vs. procedure” way of doing math.


See the Incredible Trick Puzzle for solutions.