Tag Archives: valid argument

Peirce’s Law

The June 2023 Carnival of Mathematics # 216 at Eddie’s Math and Calculator Blog has the rather arresting item concerning Peirce’s Law from the American logician Charles Sanders Peirce (1839 – 1914).

“Peirce’s Law:  Jon Awbrey of the Inquiry Into Inquiry blog

This article explains Pierce’s Law and provides the proof of the law.  The proof is provided in two ways:  by reason and graphically.  Simply put, for propositions P and Q, the law states:

P must be true if there exists Q such that the statement “if P then Q” is true.  In symbols:

(( P ⇒ Q) ⇒ P) ⇒ P

The law is an interesting tongue twister to say the least.”

Perhaps another way of saying it is “if the implication P ⇒ Q implies that P is true, then P must be true.”  Still, it sounds weird.

See Peirce’s Law

(Update 6/20/2023)  Appendix: Valid Argument Continue reading