A Number Maze

Here is an entertaining puzzle from Futility Closet.

“By Wikimedia user Efbrazil. Begin at the star. The number at your current position tells you the number of blocks that your next jump must span. All jumps must be orthogonal. So, for example, your first jump must take you to the 1 in the lower left corner or the 2 in the upper right. What sequence of jumps will return you to the star?”

See A Number Maze for solutions

Impossible Homework

This is a somewhat unusual problem from Presh Talwalkar.  It involves proving a student’s homework problem is impossible.

“I came across a homework problem described as “scary” on Reddit AskMath. You need to fill in the number sentences using the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 exactly once.

You should try a few possibilities to see why this is a challenging question. And do not waste too much time because the exercise is literally impossible!  The challenge is, can you prove no solution exists?”

See Impossible Homework for a solution.

The Passing of an Era

On March 7 one of my favorite bloggers, Kevin Drum, passed away from a longtime fight with cancer.  To say he will be sorely missed is great understatement.  From my limited perspective, his was the last of the original type of weblog, namely one written by a single person with multiple postings per day.  And his perspective was unique.  It was the only blog I’ve seen that largely concentrates on data analysis of economics, science, medicine, societal trends, and on and on, in a clear, succinct, and informative manner.  The text is further supported with simple graphs that provide visual clarity to the analysis.

See The Passing of an Era

Circular Ant Problem

This is a wicked variation of the ant problem on a stick by Peter Winkler.

“Twenty-four ants are randomly placed on a circular track of length 1 meter; each ant faces randomly clockwise or counterclockwise.  At a signal, the ants begin marching at 1 cm/sec; when two ants collide they both reverse directions.  What is the probability that after 100 seconds, every ant finds itself exactly where it began?”


See Circular Ant Problem for solutions.

Tricky Triangle

I think this turned out to be an even trickier problem than Alex Bellos thought.

“Tricky triangle  This one was sent in by a reader, aged 85, who first saw it in 1960. He is a roboticist who passed through Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and IBM. He says it is his favourite puzzle. ‘I’ve given this puzzle to perhaps 100 people. Over 80% have no idea how to solve it.’  What is the length of AD, the dashed line?”


See Tricky Triangle for solutions.

Cat and Mice

This is a classic puzzle from Boris Kordemsky’s 1972 Moscow Puzzles.

“Purrer has decided to take a nap.  He dreams he is encircled by 13 mice: 12 gray and 1 white.  He hears his owner saying: “Purrer, you are to eat each thirteenth mouse, keeping the same direction.  The last mouse you eat must be the white one.”  Which mouse should he start from [eat first]?”


See Cat and Mice for a solution.

The Josephus Problem

This famous Josephus Problem presented on Youtube is somewhat different from the Cat and Mice puzzle, but still has similarities.  An article by Jay Bennett discussing the problem was published in Popular Mechanics in 2016.


Penn and Teller – Spelling Cards

It turns out that Penn and Teller have performed another magic trick recently that is based on mathematical principles and so is more or less self-working.  It is a more complicated version of the Cat and Mice puzzle, which I have dubbed the “Spelling Cards” trick. Continue reading

Fill in the Blanks

This is a fun puzzle from John Bassey at Puzzle Sphere.

“The diagram shows a heptagon with three circles on each side. Some circles already have the numbers 8 to 14 filled in, while the remaining circles need to be filled with the numbers 1 to 7. Each circle must contain one number, and the sum of the numbers in every set of three circles along a line must be the same.  Arrange the numbers!!!”


See Fill in the Blanks for a solution.

Chinese Quadrilateral Puzzle

This is another intimidating puzzle from Presh Talwalkar:

“Thanks to Eric from Miami for suggesting this problem and sending a solution!

From a 5th grade Chinese textbook: In the quadrilateral ABCD, angle A = 90°, angle ABD = 40°, angle BDC = 5°, angle C = 45°, and the length of AB is 6. Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD.”


See the Chinese Quadrilateral Puzzle for solutions.

Ubiquitous 60 Degree Problem

This is an interesting problem from the Canadian Mathematical Society’s 2001 Olymon.

“Suppose that XTY is a straight line and that TU and TV are two rays emanating from T for which XTU = UTV = VTY = 60º. Suppose that P, Q and R are respective points on the rays TY, TU and TV for which PQ = PR. Prove that QPR = 60º.”

See the Ubiquitous 60 Degree Problem